Good question: How to get your monthly candy supply with BuWizz? For Free ??? Without too much effort! No hidden and bold letters! I know you think this is impossible, but I would disagree with you. The main prerequisite is that the child in you is not yet an adult and that you occasionally release it and meet its needs. If not, then stop reading here. ? That you are reading this sentence means that, nevertheless, we are thinking similarly and that you have not given up after the previous one. ? I thought for a long time, and came up with two options for how the genius idea could be realized from the beginning of the text, both related to the upcoming Halloween. This is, you will agree, the best period for what we have imagined. One is to disguise yourself, go door to door, knock on the neighborhood, scare the neighbors and get sweets in return. And that’s OK, monthly stock will be provided, it’s not in dispute. But the neighbors will certainly be wondering who this person is, who is two heads taller than all the other “monsters and witches”, why there is no smarter job in these years, and there will certainly be those who will be scared to slam the door. Or … You can avoid all these issues and inconvenient situations, as I will. ? Quite simply, I’ll take BeerBot from the LEGO® cubes on a BuWizz drive, put on the scariest skeleton head mask possible, equip it with a WiFi camera, turn on the BuWizz app on my phone, hide somewhere in the street, and drive around the neighborhood remotely and fill the basket with different sweets until I have secured a monthly supply. ? I get back to you in early December to announce what kind of sweets I had to eat. And how many pounds I gained. ? And the holidays are just beginning ? Video: Gallery: