Hello, this is my Peterbilt moc designed after the lego 8285 tow truck set. It is over 120cm long, 43 studs wide, 58 studs height. Chassis is built using 3 rows of studded lift arms, plates, and 5×7 liftarms in the centre for stability. It is powered by 6 lego L motors, 1 servo, and 2 buwizz batteries. The rear suspension is based off of air bag style with 4 links per axle. Front suspension is also air bag style. The engine is a paccar mx-13 twin-turbo with functional pistons and pulley system. Some features to date are functional doors, tilting nose, and Buwizz controlled. Even though the main design is from a peterbilt. I got inspiration from mack, Kenworth, and Scania trucks.


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