Guest MOC interviews series

Juggernaut –


3447 parts


Star Wars™





Guest MOC interviews series

Juggernaut –


3447 parts


Star Wars™





Jan Baan: I spent 8h a week for 1 year to finish this model. As an engineer I overdid it , but I loved the challenge. 

This is one of the best motorized AT-TE MOC in the world. No wonder, as it is made by Jan Baan, an aerospace engineer, that took on the challenge to make the most articulate walking AT-TE. After a whole year of design and redesign, trial and error, joy and frustration, he finally did it.

Jan Baan

LEGO builder

Video interview

You are a Star Wars fan. Is the Juggernaut part of one of your big projects, or it’s a new one?

I used to build modules for an underground star wars base. At some point I wanted more challenge, so I designed my ATTE, which also uses a BuWizz by the way. After the ATTE I continued designing Star Wars models with LEGO technic features.

Wow. The size of the MOC is impressive. How did you choose the scale?

The scale is more or less based on the size of the independent spring system. Combined with a differential the width is more or less fixed. This scale was maintained for the entire design. I would have preferred to make the juggernaut a bit smaller, because the current design is slightly bigger than minifigure scale. I tried some crazy ideas to make the width a bit smaller, but I had to compromise too much, so I abandoned it.

Although its a large models, we saw on your video that it moves very quickly. What powers it?

The juggernaut is powered by two BuWizz motors and a BuWizz 3.0. The beast drives pretty fast despite its weight. The BuWizz 3.0 does switch itself off when the juggernaut gets stuck during off-road driving. I already tried to see whether I could change some of the gears to trade some speed for more torque, but for now haven’t been able to find a way to do that.

Juggernaut is also very agile considering its proportions. Tell us more about the steering and suspension.

Each wheel has an independent spring system and all wheels are driven by the two BuWizz motors. The Juggernaut consists out of five sections that can pivot with respect to each other. The sections cannot pivot freely. There are springs that always try to push the sections in a straight line. The front section, where the cabin is, has a steering mechanism. It is driven by aPowered Up Large Motor, using it as a steering servo in the BuWizz 3.0. The Juggernaut more or less behaves like a tractor with multiple trailers. The tail follows the front. At higher speeds I experienced some oscillations. It starts to wag its tail. If you look closely you see some of that in the movies I posted.

Tell us more about your building process? We saw you make drawings, calculations, use Studio, etc.

I first designed the technic base; the chassis. It took quite a while to create something that was strong and sturdy enough and could articulate, had independent springs, proper steering and all-wheel-drive. After this, I designed the body on top. Both parts took about equal amount of time. The Juggernaut has a lot of angles and tricky details, so designing the body proved to be quite a puzzle as well. I created a studio file after everything had been designed by trial and error. From there I knew exactly which bricks I needed in the correct color, because up to this point I did not care about color. In the end, I created the final studio file. For this I used PartDesigner to create some custom LEGO parts and the model of the BuWizz 3.0 and BuWizz motors. I shared the parts for the PartDesigner with  BuWizz, so everyone can use them in their studio models.

What did your friends and family say about the model? Did someone help?

I designed the juggernaut completely on my own. I have some friends who were excited about this design as well, but most are not that interested. I am very lucky to have an active Instagram account and received a lot of positive feedback there.

Thank you for the free building instructions. It is much appreciated by your fans. Now we all wonder: What’s next?

The next project will be something unrelated to LEGO. I am going to try to program something in c++. Undoubtedly I’ll think of something to design in LEGO in the future but I have no plans yet.

Thank you again for this cooperation. We honestly didn’t know it will be so impressive. Great build. Keep up the good work. 

Thank you Jan Baan

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