BuWizz Blog
App updates, new MOCs & MODs, New products, Promotions and more.
BuWizz App update: Shareable profiles
Our team is happy to announce a major update to the BuWizz app. The new update allows you to create and share your own custom profiles with other users. We will build a library of favorite custom profiles for easy sharing and set-up. We also optimized the power curve...
#StayAtHome and #PlayWithBuWizz contest
WinnersFirst place: Joline son's Second place: Antoineddp_lego_technic Congratulations! People choiceInteresting entries#stayathome contest During these times of Worldwide lockdown, we at BuWizz wanted to ease your isolation and motivate you to pick up your...
When the apocalypse comes, Zerobricks has solution for you
In today's blog post we will see how the massive FrankenBase model was designed and built for the Eurobricks Mad Max contest. 1. The concept The main idea behind the Frankebase was that the entire mobile base was constructed from all kinds of leftover machinery:...
#stayathome and play with BuWizz
You have told every story to all your family members, looked at all the possible Netflix series that you didn't have time for before, and your head hurts from Googling about symptoms and preventing Coronavirus. And what now?! Well, models made from LEGO and powered by...
Planet kocke Expo
More than 600 children who attended the largest LEGO® expo (“Planet Kock”) in Slovenia had the opportunity to test drive some of our LEGO® models powered by the BuWizz brick. Our BuWizz powered Go-kart model got the most attention. It is made from 8,000 bricks and you...
Halloween special: How to get your monthly candy supply with BuWizz
Good question: How to get your monthly candy supply with BuWizz? For Free ??? Without too much effort! No hidden and bold letters! I know you think this is impossible, but I would disagree with you. The main prerequisite is that the child in you is not yet an adult...
Guest MOC: Peterbilt by Raymond
Hello, this is my Peterbilt moc designed after the lego 8285 tow truck set. It is over 120cm long, 43 studs wide, 58 studs height. Chassis is built using 3 rows of studded lift arms, plates, and 5x7 liftarms in the centre for stability. It is powered by 6 lego L...
BuWizz Gokart made of LEGO® bricks
The go-kart is one of the BuWizz's team most ambitious projects.To build it, it took over 7000 Lego pieces, 32 L motors, 8 BuWizz bricks, one BuWizz app update and hundreds of man-hours. The final build, can easily drive a 60kg person with the top speed of 4km/h. The...
BuWizz education: Education has no price
Education has no price – a story from South Africa (with a happy ending Hein van den Worm, a South African teacher from Gene Louw Primary school, sent us an e-mail at the end of last year. He expressed great interest to use BuWizz in his classes, where he often...
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BuWizz Camp 2022
3-day paradise for builders. Competitions, Events, interviews and fun fellow AFOLs
to keep the passion
Competitions are the best way to test your skills or just have fun and get rewarded for it.
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BuWizz offers 2x more power than other solutions on the market. Now you can move your brick models faster and enjoy the freedom that BuWizz offers.